Blazorise Toast component

Push notifications to your visitors with a toast, a lightweight and easily customizable alert message.

Toasts are brief alerts made to resemble push notifications, which are more common on desktop and mobile devices. Since they are flexbox-built, they are simple to align and reposition.


Things to know when using the toast component:

  • Toasts are opt-in for performance reasons, so you must initialize them yourself.

  • Toasts will automatically hide if you do not specify Autohide="false".

  • Toasts must be wrapped with a <Toaster> component to be properly placed on a screen.

  • Use the toast service provider to show toasts programmatically with minimal code.



We suggest using a header and body to promote predictable and extensible toasts. Toast headers use display: flex, which makes it simple to align content because of our flexbox and margin utilities.

Toasts have very little required markup and are as flexible as you need them to be. We at least demand that your "toasted" content be contained in a single element, and we highly recommend the inclusion of a dismiss button.

<Div Position="Position.Relative" Width="Width.Is100" Height="Height.Rem(20)">
    <Toaster PlacementStrategy="ToasterPlacementStrategy.Absolute">
        <Toast Visible Autohide="false">
                <Strong Margin="Margin.IsAuto.FromEnd">Blazorise</Strong>
                <Small>11 mins ago</Small>
                <CloseButton />
                Hello, world! This is a toast message.

Live example

Click the button below to show a toast (positioned with our utilities in the lower right corner) that has been hidden by default.
<Button Color="Color.Primary" Clicked="@(() => toastVisible = true)">
    Show live toast

    <Toast @bind-Visible="@toastVisible">
            <Strong Margin="Margin.IsAuto.FromEnd">Blazorise</Strong>
            <Small>11 mins ago</Small>
            <CloseButton />
            Hello, world! This is a toast message.
@code {
    bool toastVisible = false;


You can use one of the following modifiers to change placements of the toast.
<Div Position="Position.Relative" Width="Width.Is100" Height="Height.Rem(20)">
    @ToastRenderFragment( ToasterPlacement.TopStart )

    @ToastRenderFragment( ToasterPlacement.TopEnd )

    @ToastRenderFragment( ToasterPlacement.BottomStart )

    @ToastRenderFragment( ToasterPlacement.BottomEnd )
@code {
    private RenderFragment ToastRenderFragment( ToasterPlacement placement ) => __builder =>
        <Toaster Placement="@placement" PlacementStrategy="ToasterPlacementStrategy.Absolute">
            <Toast Visible Autohide="false">
                    <Strong Margin="Margin.IsAuto.FromEnd">Blazorise</Strong>
                    <Small>11 mins ago</Small>
                    <CloseButton />
                    Hello, world! This is a toast message.

Best Practices

Use Sparingly

Notifications are disruptive by design and should be used sparingly. Use fewer notifications by reserving them for more important information that may otherwise go unnoticed by the user.

Less urgent notifications can be provided through a link or drop-down in the application header or footer, instead of immediate notifications.

Limit Content Length

Aim for one or two lines of content. Notifications should be brief and to the point. More information can be provided through an embedded link or Button.

Toast Positions

Toasts can be dispatched to all four corners of a page. We do not recommend to use more than one position for toasts in an application because that could be disorienting for users. Pick one desired position and configure it in the Toaster.




Name Description Type Default
Placement Specifies the position of the Toaster component. ToasterPlacement BottomEnd
PlacementStrategy Specifies the placement strategy of the Toaster component. ToasterPlacementStrategy Fixed


Name Description Type Default
Visible Gets or sets the visibility state of the Toast. bool false
VisibleChanged Event callback for when the visibility state of the Toast changes. EventCallback<bool>
Opening Callback for handling the opening of the Toast. Func<ToastOpeningEventArgs, Task>
Closing Callback for handling the closing of the Toast. Func<ToastClosingEventArgs, Task>
Opened Event callback for when the Toast has been opened. EventCallback
Closed Event callback for when the Toast has been closed. EventCallback
Animated Specifies whether the Toast should have an animated transition. bool true
AnimationDuration The duration of the animation in milliseconds. int 300ms
Autohide Automatically hide the toast after the delay. bool true
AutohideDelay Delay in milliseconds before hiding the toast. double 5000ms
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